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These are a few really basic tips to get you started.

1. Keep a calculator by you. Just a desk calculator will be fine, personally I use the one on the PC desktop.

2. A few numbers. Don't get bogged down with pages of calculations, these were numbers that I was given when I started.

They are self-explanatory Just multiply the distance by the factor shown. In a very short time, you will memorise these.

Green Speed                               9                        1                       +- elevation (in)

                                                     10                       0.88                  +- elevation (in)

                                                     11                       0.85                  +- elevation (in)

                                                     12                       0.75                  +- elevation (in)

                                                     13                       0.70                  +- elevation (in)


Rough                                      20-25%                 1.07

                                                  25-30%                 1.1

                                                  30-40%                 1.15

                                                  40-50%                 1.2


Elevation                                -  3ft                      -1yd

                                                 + 3ft                      +1yd

If you get stuck behind a tree, or in deep rough, just play a punch (about twice the distance) to get safely on to the fairway, then carry on. You will lose a stroke, but it is easier in the long run.

3. Take the easy option. Play 2 short shots instead of trying to make one that is too long. You will find, especially with

starter clubs, that there are shots that you just can't reach. Dont worry about it.


This is very basic stuff. Remember, There Are No Rules. Decide what works for you, and stick with it. As to balls and clubs, you will get loads of advice and suggestions. When comes down to it, you get what you pay for.

You will improve.

Just have fun.

It's only a game.


Just a final thing - keep an eye on your status. There is nothing more  frustrating than trying to contact someone who claims to be available but is already playing, or worse, away from their computer.





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