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 I have been an avid golfer since five years old. A recent accident will for ever keep me off the links. When I came to WGT I approached a hole like would on a golf course.


Right or wrong I am going to share with you the mechanics of a hole on WGT. The first thing I do is look at the wind and zoom in on the little map to the right. I want short grass on my drive.


By zooming in I can get a real good look at the fairway and more precisely place the aim.

Okay I am on the fairway. I then click the little camera at the bottom right and get a good look at the green for my second shot.

I am always playing for a two putt par. I love to putt, so anywhere on the green I feel confident that I can putt it within a 3 ft circle around the cup. Don’t get me wrong, I try to get it close to the pin but on some courses here the starter irons will not get it close but will get it on the fat of the green.


Here I am at Kiawah a rather easy course compared to Merion. The first thing I notice is the direction of the wind and how strong. That is highlighted in yellow.


An 8 mile crosswind will not affect every iron the same. My rule of thumb is the shorter the club the less affect the wind will have. An 8 mile crosswind will have much more affect on a 4 iron than on a 9 iron.

I have about 95 yards. In my bag is a 90 yard and a 110 yard irons.


You can see I am using a 9 iron 110 yards. I want to hit 95-100 yards. You can see where I will bring my meter strength to. That is about the spot I will stop my meter and hit



I am on the green. 13 ft from the pin. A yard is 3 feet or 36 inches. My shot went about 99 yards or about 4 yards past the pin. Now I know I can 2 putt from there.


Unfortunately when I putted I made it. So you won't see a two putt. LOL.

Lets look at this 13 ft putt. I change my VGG Caddy (Details on Putting at WGT page) to my putting scale. As you can see my putters first scale is 30 feet. My VGG Caddy shows exactly 30 feet. There is a 1 inch downhill.


What I do is take one foot off for every inch downhill. So I will hit this at 12 feet. I have a mark for you to see.

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