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The Glory of Starter Clubs. From Garypinhunter.

Soon after I started, I noticed that there were good players using mostly starter clubs and cue balls (Starter Balls). One day I went to a practice game and just wanted to see how close I could get to the pin with my approach shot. And boy it was hard at first, thank goodness for the mulligan feature.


My bag does have upgraded Driver and 3 wood but that’s all. I don’t care how good you are. Without a decent distance on the drive this game will not be fun.


First hole. Hit a good drive. Had about 156 to the pin. Second shot 17 ft from pin. Used mulligan, adjusted my shot....Boom 12 ft from pin. Took mulligan calculated why it went were it did. I hit and bingo, 6 ft from pin.


Did a nine hole round like this and realized that if you play the roll of the cue ball and the wind getting close to the pin was not that hard.


With a nine hole practice round you to will realize the starter clubs are not that bad at all. You wont be throwing darts, but you wont be spending money on balls and upgrading your irons, wedges and putter.



With the right kind of practice you to will see the glory of the starter clubs.

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