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The wind factor (another method of calculating wind)

When you are on the tee on any given hole, it's nice to know from the tee to the green what the wind is going to do to you.

1. Take your aiming arrow and place it at the exact distance your driver says. That is to say, whatever your distance would be for your club rating off the tee WITH your extra percentage for your ball rating.

2. Look at the elevation or drop at that point. (You will see that whatever the elevation or drop is, THAT MUCH will be added OR subtracted on a shot with no wind....for instance, a 10-foot drop at 280 will produce a 285-yard shot...half the distance of drop added to the shot...280 plus 5) Now you expect to hit the ball 285 yards off the tee.

3. Aim at 285 with your pointer, and don't put any backspin for loft. (this will change the distance...more on that later)

4. Wind the meter up and ding it.

5. See how far your shot traveled. See what the wind at that angle did to your shot right when the shot settles, OR go to the "Replay shot" section to look at the landing point and the total distance of the shot. This now gives you the wind "push" or wind "knockdown" for your drive.

6. On your next shot...say 150, take the number you found for wind push or knockdown from your drive, and multiply that by the 150 distance you want on the next shot, and then divide by your original 280 or however far your driver goes.. This will give the wind knockdown or push for that distance. The shorter the shot, the less air time, and the less the wind will affect the shot, and vice-versa.

7. It's a ratio problem that has an answer every time.


Here's an example. The wind is in your face at 10 mph, and you've figured your shot to go 285 yards. The wind knockdown lands your shot at 273, which is 12 yards less than you figured. Now you have a 180 shot to the green and you would multiply 12 times 180, (comes out to 2160) and then divide by 280, which comes out to 7.714. So, you would add 7.7 yards to the calculation of 180, and come up with 187 yards. Then just divide by your swing meter for maybe a 190 club and come out with 187 divided by 190, which is 98.421% (don't worry about the .421 part, we're not putting here) wind it up at 98% and you end up a few feet from the hole and amaze your friends.

Get that calculator out to do these calculations. They work every time.

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